The arguments against gay marriage have all
been along the same line. If we allow gay marriage; we will destroy
the sanctity of marriage as it was designed by God. Furthermore, it
will destroy our family values. The
parties promoting these philosophies and the resorting rhetoric have no
background in religious history or the Bible, in the original languages,
and, frankly, are Bigots.
First, there are several areas in the Bible when translated by modern
scholars, without a predetermined agenda, which relate to the acceptance
of gay relationships. However, this information has been withheld
from the general public because many religious leaders believe the general
public is too ignorant and uneducated to understand the subtle differences
in the Bible between acceptable and unacceptable relationships.
Therefore, it is easier to just say the Bible condemns the relationship
and does not condone it in any form.
believe the reality is very easy to understand and I have faith in the
intellect of the General Public. The Bible condemns prostitution
from both positions, provider or buyer. It condemns any form of
adultery. Adultery is defined as a sexual relationship between two
humans who have no commitment to one another beyond the bond of sexual
pleasure and temporary hedonistic joys. One commits adultery when
they engage in sex with anyone beyond a partner of whom they have a
commitment. Many believe you commit such an act even when it is only
within your mind but has never been enacted. This view is debatable
but the reasoning is based upon the fact that thought equates to form.
If you think on it long enough; you will act upon it. The Bible
condemns lust, fornication and any form of hedonism.
is no reason a gay relationship should be seen as being different from a
heterosexual relationship, beyond the obvious issue of gender. Both
groups love and care for their partner, in sickness and health. God
would never deny anyone the joys of a committed relationship for life,
only people would be so petty and prejudiced.
argument associated with Marriage being defined by the Bible is another
misnomer. The Bible speaks of marriage between individuals as a part
of the history of the Jewish people. The issues of ceremony and
protocol are all old testament or Jewish Law. There are no
strictures of law associated with marriage in the New Testament. As
a matter of fact, the rites of marriage were strictly civil until the
twelfth century. Marriage was a matter of property ownership and
rights. Women were property. The civil marriage ceremony was
the transfer of property from the father to the husband and it included
payment in the form of a dowry. The father paid the husband to take
his daughter in marriage. Among the Nobles, marriages were created
to increase land, authority and position. Love was never an issue of
Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, the only two Christian
Denominations at the time, wanted to increase their revenues and position
in the community, as well as, the world. Therefore, the sacrament of
marriage was invented as a method of raising those funds and controlling
the population. You had to pay for the sacrament. The Church
took control from the civil authority by claiming divine right. You
were still creating a business contract between father and husband but had
to pay the Church, instead of the civil authority, to become married.
Since the Church was the performing authority and declared the event to be
a sacrament; the event was considered to be blessed by God and the
marriage was considered to be bound by God. Unfortunately, the woman
was still considered property and had no personal rights. Her rights
were derived from her husband.
Marriage, through the Church, became a powerful weapon of control in
regards to women, through their faith. Women bore the children and
raised the family. Therefore, it was extremely important to insure
their purity and monogamy. A man needed to know the children in his
household were his own. Children were your legacy. Title,
property and inheritance passed from the father to the sons. The
mother's bloodline was unimportant.
It was a different matter for the men. Men were allowed to do many
things beyond the marriage bed and with any other person, male or female.
It was only the female being controlled by the sacrament of marriage.
The generally accepted philosophy of the time was very simple. Women
were not considered to experience pleasure from sex, which was generally
true for fresh brides.
Historically, the husband was in his late twenties or mid thirties by the
time he married. However, the bride was sometimes as young as nine
and, usually, never older than fourteen. An unmarried girl of
sixteen was considered a spinster. Girls, in the middle ages, were
less physically mature in comparison to today, due to environmental
conditions. Therefore, sexual intercourse between an older,
experienced and fully developed male with a completely inexperienced,
scared, and under developed female would lead to an unenjoyable event for
the female.
On the other hand, men were considered to be more animalistic and
physical. It was generally accepted that men could not control their
sexual appetites and hedonistic natures. A man had sex with his wife
to produce children. It was considered a duty and a chore, with
little to no pleasure. Therefore, he had to look elsewhere for his
needs and pleasures.
Under social mores dating back to the early Greeks and carried forward
through the Romans; it was acceptable for a married man to keep a younger
man for a lover. The younger man could be as young as twelve and as
old as twenty-nine. Neither party was considered to be gay.
When the younger man turned about thirty; he would marry and take himself
a younger male. If the man did not marry and/or continued his sexual
relationship with the only other males; then, he would be considered gay.
Of course, men would also have relations with women closer to their own
age. These women were not considered to be worthy of marriage or
were committing adultery. However, this was not the norm. The
sexes were more socially separated and, often, geographically apart during
this time in history. Men spent most of their time with other men.
Depending on your profession, political campaigns and obligations; you
could be away from your wife and isolated from most women for years at a
time and it was a sin to masturbate because you were casting your seed on
infertile ground. However, it was okay to commit sodomy.
The act was not considered to be a sin and it was not considered to be
adultery. It was considered to be natural and necessary to control
the animalistic needs of the male.
It should be noted that it was considered wrong for a man to be
animalistic and primal with his wife. She was to be treated as a
fragile vessel.
The church condoned these relationships and accepted them. Priests
were even allowed to marry during these times and they kept lovers,
according to the traditions. It was only later when the church made
it illegal for a priest to marry. The basis of this decision was not
a matter of faith, the Bible or God but property. The church wanted
to inherit everything, therefore, there could be no legal or recognized
important factor; the church does not recognize a civil marriage or union,
officially. If you were not married in the Church; you are not
married and living in adultery and sin. The state issues the license
saying you can marry under civil law but the Church has to perform the
rites or you are not married in the eye's of God, according to the Church.
Therefore, gay marriage, by the civil authority, would not be a violation
of the sanctity of marriage because in the view of the Church; they would
not be married.
is the issue of the separation of Church and State. The church
should not be dictating to the state over the issue of religious morality.
When religious morality is the law; it is called a Theocracy. America is a
Democracy and has openly abolished religious morality laws.
Religious morality forbids adultery, fornication outside of marriage, and
divorce. People should be very careful about touting religious
morality because it is a double edged sword. It cuts both ways.
The church has the right to deny the sacrament of marriage to anyone,
without cause, but the State has an obligation to make a civil ceremony
available to all members within their territorial boundaries, despite
issues of sex, race, age or religion, within reason. If you meet the
criteria of adulthood, under the law, and you desire to marry another who
is the same sex, a different race, or a different age but of the age of
consent; you should be permitted. Otherwise, the State is in
violation of the precepts of the Constitution and the Spirit of the
would you say if you heard a white man was denied the right to marry a
black woman? What would you say if you were told two people in their
seventies were denied the right to marry? Do you see the trend?
Do you see the truth? The only reason anyone would want to deny the
right of two men or two women to marry is a basis of prejudice, not law or
who has denied the rights of gays to marry; congratulations, you have
proven you are a prejudiced bigot who speaks from fear and hatred, not
love. You have also proven you are not a Biblical Scholar or a real
Christian. Shame on you!
any religious leader who has condemned the relationships; get down on your
knees and pray that God forgives you for betraying him and His Word.
Then, get in front of your congregation and confess your error and ask
them to forgive you and teach them the truth. Teach them the real
word of God, Love. Learn to accept people for it is God's Will to
accept and support each and every human being, not to condemn them for
higher ratings or more money in the offering plate.
every politician who has fought against these rights; quit. You have
failed your country and your job. You are an agent of hatred and an
assassin of the Devil's.
H.I. & M.E.H. Pr.
Fra' Don Louis Pèpin, who is known in America as H.I. & M.E.H. Pr.
Fra' Dr. Donald Lee Pippin, Jr. or H.I. & M.E.H. Pr. Fra' Dr. D. Lee
Pippin is the Prince Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Knights of the Imperial Order of the Carolingian Empire and its American
Association, Noblesse Oblige Charities, Inc.
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