In my last blog, I revisited the early history of America based on the
conflicts with England over Taxation and Representation.
Representation, under the English system of government, equated to limited
control of the direction and prioritizing of the spending of tax dollars,
as well as, the imposition of said taxation. Furthermore, they were
to have a voice regarding the duties and pricing associated with imports
and exports.
The colonists were legal citizens and, for the majority, in good standing.
Nevertheless, they were being crushed under excessive taxation, without
any benefit for their financial support, and no say in the matter in
either parliament or the courts.
Every citizen in a country
ruled under the philosophies of Democracy, a constitutional monarchy, or a
Republic have a responsibility of stewardship. Stewardship is the
care and protection of a given place for the benefit of current and future
generations. A part of Stewardship, in our modern era, comes in the
form of taxes.
It is necessary to have some form of
taxation or levy to insure the communal aspects of the society remain
viable and strong. These aspects come in the form of roads,
utilities, military, and peace keeping forces, like police and fire
However, somewhere in the
modern history of America; the original intentions of our founding fathers
has become lost, along with the safeguards.
Over the last two centuries, we have
allowed the individual rights of our citizens to be tricked and stolen
from us. America has transformed into a police state with a
combination of self proclaimed elitist, high taxation and socialist
Unfortunately, our
currently elected officials believe they are actually ancient nobility and
royalty. They are above the masses. They give themselves
raises, private and complete health care with no co-pays, and a retirement
plan superior to anything available in the private or public sector, all
without the approval of their constituents. They pay nothing for
these benefits and many more. They are paid for by the citizens of
America, through our taxes.
Remember, they created
these benefits and, then, voted them into law, not the people.
Sadly, they believe they deserve it and have earned it.
Unfortunately, according to them, we have not.
We, actually, pay our entire working life into a
retirement plan and for senior health insurance. We are charged over
fifteen percent of our gross income, between employer and employee
contributions, to Social Security and an additional one and a half percent
to Medicare. If we live long enough to receive these benefits, we
are charged an additional hundred dollars a month, as a health insurance
I am not going to discuss the gross misconduct by
Congress and the Office of the President, as well as, the financial issues
associated with these services here. I will dedicate a whole blog
entry in the coming weeks to the subject.
These supposed representatives of the people, who
have given themselves free retirement and health care, have the nerve to
call the services, which we pay for every day, an entitlement. For
the record, entitlement means a benefit given without compensation to a
group of people which is paid for by another, in this case, the inference
is the government. The entire preposterous notion is an insult to
our intelligence and it makes me furious.
America has returned to the time of the colonies.
We are taxed to fuel a bureaucracy in which we are neither consulted or
allowed to be heard. These self styled elitists have effected our
debt, credit rating and lifestyles. They have played petty games and
paid homage to large corporations. Yet, corporations do not vote.
There are even laws being placed on the books to
allow these individuals to have us arrested and held, indefinitely,
without the benefit of trial, for speaking out against them. These
laws, which they create and vote into effect, are being buried in other
legislation to disguise and hide them from the general public. The
Constitution and the Bill of Rights are being trampled and destroyed by
the very people we elected to protect them.
Unfortunately, our government is not the only
problem. Over the last fifty to sixty years; we have had a new class
of citizen develop, people who think America is a socialist nation.
These individuals believe they are owed everything and the government must
provide for them. They are serial welfare abusers. These
individuals are scattered among every ethnicity and gender. They
have the same mentality as the Elitists of Congress and the Whitehouse
with no intention to change. Their benefits are smaller but the
principal of being owed is the same.
It is worthy to note that neither group could
exist or continue their illegal and immoral behavior without our quiet
Our founding fathers never
intended either group to exist and would have started another revolution
over the waste and abuses created by both these groups and passed on to
us, under the guise of taxation.
Furthermore, they would
have never agreed to the socialistic tax structure shoved down our throats
and manipulated behind closed doors as part of backroom deals. It is
not the responsibility of the few to carry the burden of the many.
In other words, tier based taxation is
Tier based taxation is Socialism, which
is a nice way to say Communism-lite. It is unethical, immoral and
unconstitutional to burden the successful with the national debt while
leaving the less fortunate, as well as, the extremely wealthy (elite),
free of the burden. Everyone should share equally.
In plain English; all Americans should be taxed
at a fixed rate; no tiers, no deductions.
Europe has worked from
this system with great success and vitality.
Their current financial problems stem
from the sins of the Government and the financial institutions, worldwide,
in other words, poor stewardship.
We need a fixed tax rate on gross income and
retirement, as the by-product of work, should always be tax exempt.
For those who are still unsure and apathetic to
the issue; the average American pays over 75 percent of his gross income
to taxes. Yes, you are giving almost everything you work so hard to
make to the Government.
On average, you pay 20% (as a
minimum) to Federal Income Tax; 7.5% to Social Security (employee
contribution or 15%, if self-employed); and 1.5% to Medicare. If you
have a corporation or business, you have Federal Income Tax and State
Income Tax on the Gross Profits of your company. If you own your own
business, you have already paid almost 50% of your gross income to Federal
and State Corporate Income Tax and Federal Individual Income Tax. These
are direct and obvious taxation.
If you live in a state with
State Income Tax, you will pay a minimum of 5% to the state.
Every state has a Sales Tax. This tax is a minimum of 5 % and
most states have additional Sales Tax for the local county, as well as,
city. Most states have a Tourism Tax associated with hotels and
restaurants. You have Federal, State and County Gasoline Taxes
(Fuel), Energy Taxes (Electricity), Communication Taxes (Phone, Cellular
Service, and Internet), Airport Taxes (runway fees) and Emergency Relief
Taxes (disaster relief services). Each State has Property Tax, which
is shared by the County and Education. There are Port Authority
Taxes, which are assessed to the general public to pay for the creation,
maintenance and administration of the nation's ports. You have city taxes
for water, sewage, and garbage collection. You have State taxes for
Driver's Licenses and License Plates. You have Professional Taxes
for Business Licenses, Professional Licenses, and Registration of
Incorporation. You have County and City taxes for Business Licenses
and Gross Product Taxes. Let's not forget the Liquor Tax; Cigarette Tax
and Luxury Tax. There are many more hidden taxes, I have just named
a few.
We fought a revolution to be free of excessive
taxation with a lack of representation. Yet, today, we have
excessive taxation without representation. As a whole, Americans are
not being consulted in regards to our national budget and government
contracts. Remeber, representation referres to having a say in the matter
of spending associated with the money taken under taxation.
Someone is doing a horrible job of stewardship, YOU, because you are
allowing it to occur.
H.I. & M.E.H. Pr.
Fra' Don Louis Pèpin, who is known in America as H.I. & M.E.H. Pr.
Fra' Dr. Donald Lee Pippin, Jr. or H.I. & M.E.H. Pr. Fra' Dr. D. Lee
Pippin is the Prince Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller
Knights of the Imperial Order of the Carolingian Empire and its American
Association, Noblesse Oblige Charities, Inc.
All materials are copyrighted and may not be
reproduced in whole or part without the express permission of the author.